Our platform is used by proprietary trading companies and professional traders throughout the world. It’s a more resources consuming respect to other platforms, and a little slow to load the chart if there are a lot of data and uses of Cluster Search and Big Trades indicators. Has Plug-In mode similar to Sierra Charts’ data bridging to reduce data fees . Ninjatrader has a huge community, this means there is a lot of third party software for mobile app, advanced orderflow tools, indicators, etc. It is something you won’t get elsewhere although a lot of other trading platforms try to mimic it.
- Orders can be entered in the Smart DOM or the Chart Trader.
- Statistics module and detailed trading journal right on the platform.
- Are you looking for a detailed test and overview of theorder flowsoftwarexcritical?
- Any information provided on this site is for informative purposes only and not to be construed as a recommendation for trading operations.
They offer support for several exchanges in both legacy and cryptocurrency space and a variety of indicators. It’s a great platform for daytraders and especially those that don’t want to waste time downloading any software and huge data files. Exocharts is an extremely user-friendly trading platform.
Smart Tape overview
If, for example, a chart is to be opened, the appropriate futures contract or market must then be selected. Another advantage of xcritical is that the newest futures contract is always displayed . In this article we will speak about the advantages of TPO charts.
Our goal is to create the most comfortable tools that would be easy to use even for inexperienced users. However, should you encounter any problems or technical issues, our professional staff will always be there to help you. Good day Adam, Thanks for the great comparison, by any chance have you written any article to replicate the bookmap view in Exocharts?
xcritical Review
xcritical offers a complete set of tools for the analysis of futures, stock, and crypto markets. Via data feed, you get the data of the exchange directly sent your computer and xcritical evaluates it for you. Well-known tools, such as the volume profile, can be adapted and used in the software. Also, own tools (Smarttape, etc.) were developed and programmed especially for the trading software. The software surprises us at first sight with the simple configuration of the tools.Compared to other platforms, xcritical is very user-friendly. xcritical is the platform of choice for many professional traders who are interested in order flow analysis, cluster analysis, volume market profile and advanced technical analysis.
xcritical supports numerous exchanges and there is a wide range of assets. However, it always depends on your broker or data feed. The broker is used to post the corresponding data for the various exchanges. xcritical is not the mediator of the data but only the executing software.
xcritical mit dem Datenfeed verbinden | Börsendaten
Red horizontal line is the closing price level (symbol ‘#’ in the profile). Convexities and projections consisting of 3 letters minimum are also available in TPO charts. Projections often become support/resistance levels in a weekly profile. We marked the single print which appeared at the level of the maximum volume of the previous bar with red number 5. We marked the levels which test the single print or price tail with red rectangles. If the price quote gets to a new level and the price stays at it as if getting accustomed to the new place, it means that the market accepts the price.
Change Proportion Gradient Rate parameter and monitor how the display of small and large volumes changes in clusters. Switch the chart to the cluster mode and select Volume/Graduated. In the Cluster settings tab, scroll down to the BidAsk scammed by xcritical Imbalance settings. Find Imbalance Rate parameter, which changes BidAsk Imbalance percentage. Open different charts which you will place in different layouts. In order to do it, open several charts, Smart Tape and Smart DOM.
As these are only top-of-the-book data and there are no tick charts on Tradingview, they will be a little cheaper than most brokers offer. When you are looking at Exocharts you can tell that Veran knows what he is doing and what would be useful for othexcriticals to have. Because of that, you will not only find Footprint and Market Profile charts, but also several unique indicators that track Orderflow in an interesting way. As I already mentioned Sierra Chart is an extremely affordable software and the number of tools it offers can’t really be matched easily. I have never used a trading platform that was offering such a huge amount of customization.
- It’s a great platform for daytraders and especially those that don’t want to waste time downloading any software and huge data files.
- The information and videos are not an investment recommendation and serve to clarify the market mechanisms.
- Some sources also distinguish the ‘pioneer’ range or levels, which the price touches for the first time during a trading session or during another period of time.
- You can only get the right data from the stock exchange for futures.
- If not can you please share the knowledge, would highly appreciate your support.
You will also get access to global stock and futures markets free of charge for the first 14 days. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site.
Try all our indicators and trade successfully with a demo or real account, on the Russian and US exchanges. Look for clusters to which the price reacted before to determine the relevant levels. Move the crosshair to a highlighted cluster while holding down the Ctrl key and see the trade volume value. Open a BidAsk imbalance cluster chart and change the Imbalance percentage in the Cluster settings.
Only Volfix matches the granularity of volume analysis. Unfortunately the cost is quite high for people who don’t have favorable euro exchange rates. I am a Mac M1 user so I am sort of limited to trading platforms minus running parallels. I have seen a platform called motive-wave which does similar things. If you want to learn how to benefit from all the advanced tools these trading platforms offer, make sure to check out Trading Blueprint.
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The only downside I can see is that there are no options for order execution via API, but this should be provided in the release of the desktop version. What I expect from the desktop app release is even more markets from more exchanges. If you can stand constantly ranting team a narrow choice of data providers in cryptocurrency space, Sierra Chart is a solid choice. If you are trading crypto and want to execute directly inside the Sierra Chart platform, it’s only supported for Bitmex exchange.
Most of their order flow and Market Profile features are really sloppily slapped onto the existing platform. They lazily try to slap a database of Time-to-Price onto a graph meant for a database of Price-to-Time and expect it to not have UX issues. This issue is one thing TT and Jigsaw get right, amusingly.
The xcritical platform makes it possible to get a complete picture of the situation on the stock market in order to make an adequate financial decision. Furthermore, it is to be noted positively that there is already a large community around the world, which trades with xcritical. The wishes of the traders are often met and new indicators or functions are programmed by a fast implementation. In summary, we can say that the software is very complex for many beginners. After a short familiarization phase, the software is very well mastered from our experience.
- We really need someone to come in and just clone WindotraderBLUE for 50/month and allow it to use Rithmic Plug-In mode.
- There is no Footprint chart, Market Profile, or any orderflow tools and indicators as Tradingview does not provide tick data.
- The indicator is used to process and filter “raw” order data flowing into the market.
- If the price quote gets to a new level and the price stays at it as if getting accustomed to the new place, it means that the market accepts the price.
- Jigsaw Trading offers support for all legacy futures and data feeds.
We have developed the xcritical trading platform based on our practical skills and understanding of what is really important for successful trading. I tried it and it’s a really good platform for advance volume analysis. We really need someone to come in and just clone WindotraderBLUE for 50/month and allow it to use Rithmic Plug-In mode. That would be game over for my temptation to ever pay the absurd 900/month or whatever it would cost to run that charting platform . One more thing to mention is that it is the only charting package written in C.
You can contact support via email, Skype, or Facebook. An extensive manual and many videos are available on the xcritical rezension Internet. With the Speed of Tape indicator, you can see changes in the speed of Time & Sales in the chart.
Compared to other platforms mentioned in this article which added cryptocurrency markets, later on, Exocharts were built solely for this purpose. There is no extra cost compared to legacy futures where traders have to pay for the data feed. During making off this article and in the past I tried a lot of trading platforms and I always keep coming back to Sierra Chart. It offers Footprint charts, Orderflow indicators, Market Profile, and a variety of Volume profile charts as well.
Platform: xcritical (Advanced Time And Sales)
For trading futures, you need a lot of capital so many trades are asking if they can use a CFD orForex Brokerfor using xcritical. It is possible but you can not trade directly from the platform. The solution is that you make your analysis with xcritical and open the orders on theCFDand Forex Broker platforms. However, if you want to start live trading, the data feed must be booked through a broker of your choice. The fees are then automatically debited from the broker account. We recommend that you recharge your broker account with money and book a data feed after the data feed test period has expired.