Capital Account Convertibility of the Indian Rupee implies .. @ abhipedia Powered by ABHIMANU IAS

In the case of current account convertibility, it is important to have a transaction – importing and exporting of goods, buying and selling of services, inward or outward remittances, etc. involving payment or receipt of one currency against another currency. In the case of capital account convertibility, a currency can be converted into any other currency without any transaction. Current account convertibility implies that the Indian rupee can be converted to any foreign currency at existing market rates for trade purposes for any amount. It allows for easy financial transactions for the export and import of goods and services. It involves promoting the rupee for import and export trade and then other current account transactions followed by its use in capital account transactions.As far as the rupee is concerned, it is fully convertible in the current account, but partially in capital account. In general, the convertibility of rupee means that those who have a foreign exchange (e.g. US dollars, Pound Sterlings, etc.) can get them converted into rupees and vice-versa at the market-determined rate of exchange.

For this, interest rates should be folly deregulated, gross non-paying assets should be reduced to 5 per cent, the average effective CRR should be reduced to 3 per cent and weak banks should either be liquidated or be merged with other strong banks. Improved access to international financial markets and reduction in cost of capital. Internationalisation of the rupee is a process that involves increasing use of the local currency in cross-border transactions. Availability of large funds to supplement domestic resources and thereby promote economic growth. With reference to the office of the Attorney General of India, Which of the following statements is/are correct? In the performance of his official duties, the Attorney General has the right of audience in all courts in the territory of India.

A reduced role for convertible currencies in external transactions could lead to reduced reserve accretion. At the same time, however, the need for reserves would also reduce to the extent the trade deficit is funded in Rupees. Use of Rupee in cross-border transactions mitigates currency risk for Indian business. Protection from currency volatility not only reduces cost of doing business, it also enables better growth of business, improving the chances for Indian business to grow globally. One had toseek the permission of the central bank to purchase foreign exchange.

convertibility of rupee implies

Further opening up and liberalised settlements in rupee for various financial instruments both in India and overseas markets are more important. The Asian Clearing Union is also exploring a scheme of using domestic currencies for settlement. An arrangement, bilateral or among trading blocs, which offers importers of each country the choice to pay in domestic currency is likely to be favoured by all countries, and therefore, is worth exploring. Capital account convertibility exists for foreign investors and Non-Resident Indians for undertaking direct and portfolio investment in India. Further improvement in overall economic fundamentals, financial sector health, followed by an upward movement in sovereign ratings will also strengthen confidence in the rupee, making the currency ready for the next step in its international journey.


Large holdings of such financial assets could heighten vulnerability to external shocks, managing which would necessitate more effective policy tools. Reducing dependence on foreign currency makes India less vulnerable to external shocks. For example, during phases of monetary tightening in US and strengthening dollar, excessive foreign currency liabilities of domestic business results in a de facto domestic tightening.

convertibility of rupee implies

Convertibility of a currency means, currency of a country can be freely converted into foreign exchange at market determined rate of exchange that is, exchange rate as determined by demand for and supply of a currency. Convertibility of rupee means that those who have foreign exchange (e.g., US Dollars, Pound Sterlings etc.) can get them converted into rupees and vice-versa at the market determined rate of exchange. In a way, capital account convertibility removes all the restrains on international flows on India’s capital account. There is a basic difference between current account convertibility and capital account convertibility.

As the use of Rupee becomes significant, the bargaining power of Indian business would improve adding weight to the Indian economy, enhancing India’s global stature and respect. A deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India recently emphasized the advantages and risks of the internationalization of the rupee. The questions posted on the site are solely user generated, Doubtnut has no ownership or control over the nature and content of those questions. Doubtnut is not responsible for any discrepancies concerning the duplicity of content over those questions. Get the latest General Knowledge and Current Affairs from all over India and world for all competitive exams.

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Reduced exposure to currency risk would substantially mitigate the pain of reversal of capital flows. The dollar accounts for 88.3% of global foreign exchange market turnover, followed by the euro, Japanese Yen and Pound Sterling; the rupee accounts for a mere 1.7%, underlining the need for pushing the currency much farther to get an international tag. Capital account include foreign investment and loans, banking and other forms of capital, as well as monetary movements or changes in the foreign exchange reserve. The exchange rate is determined by the demand for and supply of a currency. Rupee internationalization may also require an efficient swap market and a strong foreign exchange market. The recent initiative of invoicing trade in rupee comes from a different global requirement and order, but for true internationalisation and wider use of the rupee overseas, opening up of trade settlement in rupee alone will not suffice.

  • Since 1994, Indian rupee has been made fully convertible in current account transactions.
  • Availability of large funds to supplement domestic resources and thereby promote economic growth.
  • Any entity can convert domestic currency into hard currency at the prevailing market rate and take hard currency out of the country without the need of offering any explanation.
  • It involves promoting the rupee for import and export trade and then other current account transactions followed by its use in capital account transactions.As far as the rupee is concerned, it is fully convertible in the current account, but partially in capital account.
  • Capital account include foreign investment and loans, banking and other forms of capital, as well as monetary movements or changes in the foreign exchange reserve.
  • One had toseek the permission of the central bank to purchase foreign exchange.

In India, there is only partial convertibility as several restrictions are there for capital account convertibility. Current account convertibility is the next phase for attaining full convertibility of rupee. Prior to the First World War the whole world was having gold standard under which the currency in circulation was allowed to get converted either in gold or other currencies based on the gold standard. Presently convertibility of money implies a system where a country’s currency becomes convertible in foreign exchange and vice versa. Since 1994, Indian rupee has been made fully convertible in current account transactions.

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Convertibility is the quality that allows money or other financial instruments to be converted into other liquid stores of value. Freely convertible currencies have immediate value on the foreign exchange market, and few restrictions on the manner and amount that can be traded for another currency. C Capital account convertibility means free conversion of cross-border capital flows. Any entity can convert domestic currency into hard currency at the prevailing market rate and take hard currency out of the country without the need of offering any explanation. Convertibility of currency means when the currency of a country can be freely converted into the foreign exchange at the market-determined rate of exchange. While the current account deals mainly with the import and export of goods and services, the capital account is made up of the cross-border movement of capital by way of investments and loans.

In September 1995, the RBI appointed a special committee to process all applications involving Indian direct foreign investment abroad beyond US $ 4 million or those not qualifying for fast track clearance. UPSC IAS Notification 2023 out for 1105 vacancies.Candidates can apply between 1st February to 21st February 2023. Earlier, the UPSC IAS Personality Test/ Interview Admit Cards were out on 13th January 2023. The candidates are required to go through a 3 stage selection process – Prelims, Main and Interview. The marks of the main examination and interview will be taken into consideration while preparing the final merit list.

convertibility of rupee implies

Capital account convertibility refers to a liberalization of a country’s capital transactions such as loans and investment, both short term and long term as well as speculative capital flows. After the collapse of Breton Woods’s system in 1971, the various countries switched over to the floating foreign exchange rate system. Under the floating or flexible exchange rate system, exchange rates between different national currencies are allowed to be determined through market demand for and supply of the same. But full convertibility of currency for capital account transactions is still a distant dream. India is a capital deficient country, and hence needs foreign capital to fund its growth. If a substantial portion of its trade is in Rupee, non-residents would hold Rupee balances in India which would be used to acquire Indian assets.

a that the Indian Rupee can be exchanged by the authorised dealers for travel

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In July, 2022 the RBI has introduced a mechanism to facilitate international trade in rupees. Non-resident holdings of Rupees could exacerbate pass-through of external stimulus to domestic financial markets, increasing volatility. For instance, a global risk-off phase could lead non-residents to convert their Rupee holdings and move out of India. In the case of the dollar, which is an international currency, the ‘exorbitant’ privileges include immunity from Balance of Payments crises as the USA can pay for its external deficits with its own currency.

The term convertibility of a currency indicates that it can be freely converted into any other currency. Convertibility can also be identified as the removal of quantitative restrictions on trade and payments on current account. Convertibility establishes a system where the market place determines convertibility of rupee implies the rate of exchange through the free interplay of demand and supply forces. Here, full convertibility of rupee means right of a resident to convert rupee into foreign currency and vice versa for all purposes – both current account transactions and capital account transactions.

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