Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Corporation

First, identify five advantages of small business ownership. Next, rank these advantages according to their importance to you. What factors discourage individuals from small business ownership? Indicate which of these factors might discourage you from starting a business.

  • In addition to these initial fees, you will need to pay ongoing fees to maintain your company’s standing.
  • Enabling organizations to ensure adherence with ever-changing regulatory obligations, manage risk, increase efficiency, and produce better business outcomes.
  • UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site.
  • However, the partners in an LLP are required to carry hefty insurance or guarantee deposits in exchange for this protection.

If you are in the process of starting a new business, you might be considering a closely held corporation. In order to determine if a closely held corporation is the right business structure for you, review its advantages and disadvantages.

Easy Transfer of Ownership

A corporation is created by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State or a similar government body. There is no requirement to notify your state of incorporation that your corporation will be an S corporation. Additionally, there are legal requirements and annual documentation that must be submitted.

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Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a corporation, we must first understand what makes up a corporation. The simple definition of a corporation is a legal business entity that exchanges ownership of a company, also known as stock, through shares. There are several types of corporations, including C corporations, S corporations, B corporations, closed corporations and nonprofit corporations.

Characteristics of an S Corporation

Having the ability to issue stock offers you an opportunity to raise a larger amount of capital than is normally possible from family, friends, and relatives. As the membership is very large, the whole business risk is divided among the several members of the company. Members of an LLC are free to place their membership interests in a living trust. It is difficult to place shares of an S-corporation into a living trust. As with the S Corporation listing, these lists are not inclusive.

When small business owners decide what legal structure to use for their business, they are faced with many choices, and one of these is whether or not to structure the company as a corporation. While there are numerous benefits to incorporation, there are also some disadvantages, and this is never an easy decision. Here, we will go over the different kinds of corporations and the inherent advantages and disadvantages of incorporating your business. Corporations have shareholders that own portions of the firm. In a C corporation, the firm is taxed on profits, and the shareholders are taxed on dividends received. In an S corporation, profits may either be entirely retained by the firm or may alternatively pay all profits out to shareholders according to their percentage of ownership. In either case, the shareholders are responsible for the tax on all profits.

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In a sole proprietorship or general partnership, owners and the business are legally considered the same — leaving personal assets vulnerable. However, like a sole proprietorship or a partnership, an S corporation passes through most of its income, losses, and deductions to the shareholders. Unlike a C corporation, there is no “double taxation”, once at the corporate level and again on the individual shareholder level. Each shareholder is subject to his or her own individual tax rate on the income passed through to him or her. Till now, all the profits made by Sam’s business were his income, and so he had to pay only a single tax on his income. But, as Sam comes to know, the owners and the promoters of a corporation are taxed two times on their income. Firstly, the corporation has to pay a flat Corporate Tax on its profits.

  • To form an S corp, you must first form a corporation by preparing and filing Articles of Incorporation or a Certificate of Incorporation with the proper state authorities.
  • So, corporations have a cohesive, organized structure that helps entrepreneurs get things done.
  • This is a particular advantage when its shares trade on a stock exchange, where it is easier to buy and sell shares.
  • Shareholders of an S-corporation are also able to deduct operating losses, but shareholders of a C-corporation are not.
  • Another disadvantage is the complex filing rules for corporations.
  • As a business owner, you’ll be able to work in a field that you really enjoy, and you’ll gain personal satisfaction from watching your business succeed.

If you need help with the required incorporation paperwork, you may want to hire an attorney. While hiring an attorney is not a requirement for incorporation, having an experienced legal professional on your side can make the process much easier. Electing S-corp status limits your options in ownership and distribution of profits among shareholders, as outlined above. What do the rules mean for businesses electing S-corp status? “One implication of this that trips people up is that, in an S corp, your profit distributions have to be proportional to your ownership interests,” Desmond said. In addition, certain types of corporations such as financial institutions and insurance companies are ineligible. And there are good reasons why this state is so popular for incorporating.


Perhaps you want to operate a small business S corp as opposed to a C corp, as the S corp can provide you with some additional Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Corporation benefits, particularly for tax purposes. Another benefit to the corporation is the tax liability separation.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Corporation

Corporate governance requires regular meetings, with minutes to be recorded. A Subchapter C corporation, abbreviated “C corp“, is a corporation that has not made an election to be taxed as a flow-through entity. C corps are taxed at the corporate level, and their shareholders are also taxed on any dividends distributed or “flows through” from the company.

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Filing your articles of incorporation with your secretary of state can be quick, but the overall process of incorporating is often a long one. You will likely have to go through extensive paperwork to properly determine and document the details of the organization and its ownership. Although some corporations are subject to double taxation, other corporation structures have tax benefits, depending on how their income is distributed.

What are the benefits of having an S Corp?

  • Protected assets. An S corporation protects the personal assets of its shareholders.
  • Pass-through taxation.
  • Tax-favorable characterization of income.
  • Straightforward transfer of ownership.
  • Cash method of accounting.
  • Heightened credibility.

The amount of insurance carried by the corporation can be an important factor in this determination. The biggest advantage of a corporation is the limited personal liability of the owners, unlike all other business types that bear unlimited liabilities. Costly to organize – Unlike other business types, a corporation is a separate entity from its owners. Therefore, it has extensive legal documentation and record-keeping requirements that can be very costly both during startup and ongoing operations. Professional Management – Unlike most forms of business, shareholders of corporate firms typically do not hold positions in the management of the firm.

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